Introduction: Smoking Fingers

Im going to show you how to do the smoking fingers trick

Step 1: What You Need

You need the following

Step 2: Cutting, Folding and Placing

Cut the match box striker off the matchbox. Its the part you srtike the matches on. Then fold it in half so the red part of the matchbox striker is not showing. In other words make sure the red part is touching each other when you fold it. Then place it on the water tap.

Step 3: Fire It Up

Turn on the water tap to cold water. Get your lighter and burn the striker. Burn the edges first then run the lighter along the side.

Step 4: Enjoy

Remove the striker off the water tap and youll see a brownish substance. Wipe it off with your fingers, and gently rub them together. Youll see smoke coming out your fingers! Now you can amaze your friends.