Introduction: Soda Can Trick

About: I am a psyconaut. Many people confuse a "psyconaut" to be anyone who does drugs, but in fact, many psyconauts are against drugs, and use alternative methods to explore their mind. Some use intense meditation, …

A neat trick to do with an empty or nearly empty soda can.

Step 1: Meterials

You'll need to obtain an empty soda can(Oh, goodie! caffinated goodness!), and about 70 mL of water. The amount doesn't have to be exact, but it has to fill about 1/5 of the can.

Step 2: The Only Step

This is be no means a complicated trick, just dirnk all but 1/5 of the soda, or take an empty can and fill it a 1/5 of the way. 1/5 works the best, Beleive me, I've performed this trick in planes and got the best results from 1/5 full.

Step 3: The Trick

The way this trick works is it makes the weight of the can equal on both sides of the axis (I'm not sure of the official terminology).

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