Introduction: Spawning Frog Mocktail

Here's one for the kiddies to enjoy - a gummi frog laying jam eggs.  What more could a kid want?

This mocktail is sweet and sparkling with a sweet (jam) and tart (gummi) finish at the end.  It's actually quite good.

Step 1: Ingredients and Tools

-Gummi frogs soaked in sweetened lime juice for 24-48 hours in the fridge
-Gooseberry jam (or any tan/brown jam with seeds)
-Lemon-Lime soda

-Tall glass

Step 2: Gooseberry Jam

Add a couple spoonfuls of gooseberry jam to the bottom of the glass.

Step 3: Lemon-Lime Soda

As carefully as you can, pour lemon-lime soda almost to the top.

Note:  The jam will settle back to the bottom.

Note:  If you don't like the fizz, let the soda go flat and consider it a lemon-limade.

Step 4: Gummi Frog

Using a fork, carefully position the frog on the bottom of the glass.

Note:  The frog wants to gloat belly-side up which might have its own peculiar charm.
Cocktails vs. Mocktails Contest

Participated in the
Cocktails vs. Mocktails Contest

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest