Introduction: Spool Holder

Get the materials needed below to make this spool holder.

Needed Items:
- 3 wooden dowels at 12 inches each
- 2 X connectors
- 4 T connectors
- 6 L Connectors
- 19 Custom pvc pipes

Step 1: Gather Materials

make  four corners using the L connectors (with pvc pipe)
Get the materials needed below to make this spool holder.

Needed Items:
- 3 wooden dowels at 12 inches each
- 2 X connectors
- 4 T connectors
- 6 L Connectors
- 19 Custom pvc pipes

Step 2: Make Four Corners Using the L Connectors (with Pvc Pipe)

Step 3: Attach the Four T Connectors(will Hold 2 of the Dowels) to the Four L Connectors (2 Will Hold a Dowel) Placing Custom Pvc Pipes in Between.

Step 4: Between the First & Second T Connectors on Either Side and the First & Second L Connectors on Either Side Connect Two X Connectors.

Step 5: Now With the Connectors in Position Place Each Dowel in Place One by One.

Step 6: At the Top Where the L Connectors Are and Place PVC Pipes With an Additional Two L Connectors.

Step 7: To Cap the Open Ended Pipes With Two L Connectors Facing in and an Additional PVC Pipe That Connects the Two.

Step 8: Your Design Is Complete and Should Look Like This.