Introduction: Starbucks Lotion Dispenser & Coffee Lotion

About: I love offbeat ideas - coming up with them, finding them, and blogging them. Check out my site for all things strange, cheap & easy. Thanks for reading !

Hi everyone ! I'm Hannah, and I made this awesome and super cheap lotion dispenser out of an iced Starbucks cup  - and then I made some coffee lotion to put in it. I'm not too crafty so I'm pretty proud of how well this came out.

All you need is an iced coffee cup, lotion pump, plain lotion, and coffee. Scissors help.

The whole project was so insanely easy that it took me less than five minutes to make everything - and then I drank a delicious coffee to celebrate :)

It inspired me to launch Cup Zombie - a virtual heaven for coffee cups that would have been trash.
Check it out and participate with me :)?

Thanks so much!