Introduction: Starburst Rose

About: My name is Sean Duffy. I am 17 years old. I like Death Metal Music. I like playing the Guitar. It's badical.

Make a starburst rose for that special person

Step 1: Materials

First, you need a rolling pin, a starburst of your choice in color, and a knife.

Step 2: Rolling It Out

Take the starburst and roll it out thin using the rolling pin.

Step 3: 3 Sections

Cut the rolled out starburst in 3 sections using your knife.

Step 4: Shaping It Out.

Roll one of the sections into a tube. Take one of the other sections and roll it around the first roll. Do the same with the last one. After that pull the sides down and shape it into a flower.

Step 5: Finished

Now just give it to that special person.

Flower Contest

Participated in the
Flower Contest