Introduction: Steampunk Table Clock

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Some time ago I've designed a steampunk table clock that looks like a miniature steam engine but I didn't be able to complete building it so far because of its complex structure and many parts. I had also produced some electronics for it to generate steam engine sound effects, run the mechanics and display some steampunk graphics etc. It is simpler to build the circuitry than building the actual body and mechs of a steam engine. So I've made a PCB and made the clock first. Then I've decided to make a simpler case for it consisting of only two parts, in the end producing a simpler table clock. Here it is: steampunky table clock.

Step 1: 3D Model

I've made the model in Solidworks. Wanted the clock case to be printable with the smallest printers at the market so kept the dimensions to the minimum that will comfortably house the interior electronics and the LCD screen.

Here are the STL files to download and if you don't have a 3D printer you can have the parts printed and shipped to you online with this link.

Step 2: Circuit

I've designed the circuitry in Proteus ISIS and then tested it on breadboards first and did the initial program development

Later the pcb is designed in Proteus ARES program by labcenter electronics. Proteus is such a great tool for not only pcb design but all kind of circuit, even electromechanical system design including very successful simulation capabilities. As you can see at the picture, the circuit including a microcontroller is being simulated by the proteus software and actually the program written in CCS C for pic micro is running with all the buttons, sensors are also in operation.

The circuit schematic is above and the PCB can be downloaded here: PCB

note that the microcontroller used in the project is pic 18F4620.

Step 3: Code and the Screen Graphics

Here is the video of the clock, running with all display modes

here is the half an hour cheme sounding

This is a video from an earlier phase of the code with lesser running modes and digits with rougher-larger pixels.

The code is written in CCS C and compiled into a hex file. It generates several graphics for the LCD screen, produces sound effects, retreives the time data from the real time clock chip and runs the menus etc for time adjustments etc.

The code uses the 1 bit sound algorithm for producing sounds without using any sound chip or DAC etc.

code to program into the micro

Step 4: Assembled Clock

After completing the assembly of the pcb, it fits inside the case perfectly as everything is designed to fit and tested in Solidworks. It works great now. I've also bought some metallic paint, brass, silver etc for painting it but somehow lost them somewhere inside my room. I'll use them to give the clock the looks it deserves later on.