Introduction: Strawberry Infused Vodka

Infusing vodka seems complicated, right? You'll be surprised how easy it is! When you take super ripe strawberries and let them sit in vodka for a few days, you get something UTTERLY delicious. The berries let out all of their bright red juices RIGHT into the vodka. You end up with a vodka that smells and tastes like strawberry perfume. Think Strawberry Shortcake meets booze! It also transforms the clear liquid into the shade of my favorite childhood treat- a cherry Slurpee. Summer perfection!

Strawberry Infused Vodka

Makes about 2 1/4 cups vodka (depending on how much you squeeze out of the strawberries)

(recipe from Sean Timberlake of Punk Domestics)

* 2 pints fresh, ripe strawberries quartered
* 750 ml vodka (I used Pearl Vodka!)

Combine the berries & vodka in a seal-able container large enough to contain it all. Seal, and store in a cool, dark place (like your pantry) for 3 days, or up to a week, agitating daily. Strain with coffee filters or cheesecloth. Store and serve well chilled.

Step 1: Vodka+ Strawberries + Mason Jar

Step 2: Cut Up the Strawberries!

Step 3: Put the Strawberries in a Jar.

Step 4: Put Them in a Jar! Pour Vodka on Top!

Step 5: Fill It Up!

Step 6: Cover the Jar! Put It in a Dark Place!

Step 7: Let It Sit for 3 Days. Agitate Twice Daily!

Step 8: Strain the Vodka!

Step 9: Get Rid of All of That Sediment!

Step 10: Two Jars of Strawberry Infused Vodka! YAY.