Introduction: Stroller Handle Extensions

It's an unpleasant fact of parenting when you're close to 6 feet tall: stroller handles are too short. Walks become painful, tiring, hunchbacked ordeals.

So, if you have an umbrella-style stroller and you find it painful to push, make some extensions!

Step 1: Lay Out the New Handles

Last year's church garage sale included a broken umbrella stroller of similar design to ours. You can likely find one at the Goodwill or local garage sales. (Haggle. We got ours for free because it was broken.)

I used a dremel tool to cut the rivets that held the handle on, but you could just as easily use a hacksaw to cut the tubes off if you sand or tape the cut ends.

Lay the new handles alongside the existing ones. In this image, the new handles are the dark blue ones on the inside.

Step 2: Clamp the New Handles On

Use small pipe clamps to attach the new handles at the top and the bottom. Tighten them well, the enameled tubes are slippery.

Step 3: Voila

Go enjoy a pain-free walk!