Introduction: Stuffed Toy Whiteboard Eraser

Don't know what to do with the stuffed toy you were given at a conference? Fret no more, your synthetic pet can find a new home cleaning your whiteboard.

Step 1: Draw on Whiteboard.

This hopefully is an easy intuitive step, but beware it sometimes feels like real work.

Step 2: Choose Your Sacrificial Stuffed Toy. Make Sure They Are Comfortable With the Task.

I got given this guy from an un-named conference. His lily-white fur seemed to clean compared to the surrounds of our workspace so we thought we'd put him to work.

Step 3: With Firm Grip Wipe the Board With It's Squishy Butt.

You can see that grip is everything. Hold tight then use that "wax-on, wax-off" technique.

Step 4: Inspect the Results

It's a little obscene, but you get the picture..

Step 5: Make Sure Toy Is Feeling Good About It.