Introduction: SuperSimple Upcycled Toilet Paper Tube Eggcups

About: I like to play with electronics and other fun stuff, modify things to make them more useful or just more funny, putting things together that seem not to fit to make funny stuff. Sharing ideas make the world a …

These Egg cups made of toilet paper tubes are very easy to make and almost for free. They are ideal to make them with kids. I made them to decorate easter eggs. Now I show you how to do in less then 10 minutes.

Step 1: What You Need

You just need a toilet paper tube. For decoration you need some colored paper or photos from a magazine. I used comic strips from a newspaper.

You also should have scissors and paper glue at home.

Thats all! Klick "Next Step" to see how to make!

Step 2: Cutting the Roll

Cut the cardboard tube into 3 parts.

Step 3: Decorate Your Eggcup

  1. Cut out a strip of colored paper, a comic strip, a photo or whatever you like. It should be a bit bigger then the cutted cardboard tube.
  2. Cover the backside all over with paper glue. I used a glue stick for this.
  3. Glue your decoration around the cardboard tube.
  4. Bend the overlapping decoration inside the tube.
  5. Thats it!
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