Introduction: Tea Tree Oil Infused Toothpicks

About: Ham Radio, Gardening, InfoSec, Bicycles as transportation -- Currently: Product Security @ Slack

I was at my local health food store pondering over which hippie toothpaste i wanted to get when i saw tea tree oil toothpicks. Being someone who doesn't like to pay for things i think i can make myself i decided to try it.

Why Tea Tree Oil Toothpicks?
Tea tree oil toothpicks freshen your breath, and help keep your gums healthy! The taste can be a bit off putting, but add some mint or cinnamon and it's very tasty to chew on.

The following instructable is how to successfully make your own!

Step 1: Ingredients

This instructable does not take much:
-Tea Tree Oil
-Other essential oils (Cinnamon. Mint)

Step 2: Place Toothpicks in Container

Put a good amount of toothpicks in the container.

Step 3: Tea Tree Oil

Put a few drops of tea tree oil on the toothpicks, it's really easy to over do it so be careful. Also put whatever other flavors you want such as cinnamon.

Step 4: Shake It

Put a lid on the container and shake around the toothpicks, coating them with the oils

Step 5: Refridgerate

To get the oils really in there, put the toothpicks in the fridge over night.

Step 6: Dry Out and Done!

After you get the oils in there, put them on a plate and let them dry out a bit. Then you can put them in your favorite to go container and carry them around to chew on and freshen your breath, naturally!