Introduction: Team Fortress 2 Skinning Other Edit Things (hl2 Works As Well)

How to make team fortress 2 look really stupid.

Step 1: The Things You Need on Your Computer for It to Be Able to Work and Edit the Things That the Game Uses. :D

Step 2: Why Did You Just Download These?

well ya see there's these .gcf files in your

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps

area once your there you would go (with gcf scape) and open these encoded gcf files for tf2. I'll go with

team fortress 2 materials.gcf

open it up and find a file you like

ps:you'll find 2 files


Oh yeah by the way...

the .dll goes in the main photoshop folder

program files/adobe/photoshop

the main plugin tho goes in...

program files/adobe/photoshop/plugins/file formats

Step 3: EDITING TIME!!!!

so you opened up ur file

and you'll see this random picasso picture thing well it takes a little practice but just edit away!!

Step 4: Now Then

Well that was hyper neato fun time wasn't it?

The best part is

1.You won't get kicked for sv_pure 1.
2.Others won't be able to see your magic work.
3.You can also replace the sounds as well