Introduction: The Panther Pistol

About: I love Knex.

This is my second instructable and this gun is pretty good. At point blank range with four postal rubberbands it shoots almost all the way through a shoebox. It probably shoots 30-35 feet. I give the credit for the trigger and the barrel design to Viccie.B1993. Please comment and Rate!!!

Kookoo for knex

P.S. I am not liable for any damages, injuries, or crazy things you might decide to do with it.

Step 1: Piece Count

38 green rods
16 white rods
5 blue rods
4 yellow rods

35 yellow
2 red
4 blue 3d
11 gray clips
5 orange
2 blue clips

Step 2: Stabalizer Parts and Handle Parts

1. Make 11 of these, except on one don't use a white rod, use a blue rod.
2. Better view.

Step 3: Trigger Parts

1.Make one of these.
2. Make two of these.
3. Make one of these

Step 4: Barrel Parts

1. Make this five times, except on one use a blue rod instead of a white rod.
2. Better view.

Step 5: Handle Assembly

1. Use the handle parts we made in step two to create this (Don't use the blue rod handle part).

Step 6: Trigger

1.Assemble this with the trigger parts.

Step 7: Barrel

1.Assemble the barrel parts and put the blue one in front.
2.Take the stabilizer parts and hook them on to the barrel with the blue rod one in front.

Step 8: Assembly

1.Hook the trigger onto the barrel.
2.Hook the handle onto the trigger and in the middle of the gun.

Step 9: Adding Rubberbands, Ammo, and Firing

1. Put on however many rubberbands you want on.
2. Put the red connectors on.
3. Hook it on like so.
4. This is my distance ammo, you can use whatever you want as long as you hook it onto the red connector.
5. How you put it on.

Step 10: Finished!!!

Hope you enjoyed it! Private message me if you have any questions!

Kookoo for Knex