Introduction: The Steps of DI

Introduction: Direct Instruction is a structured, systematic and scripted teaching process that follows the "I do, We do, You do" teaching process.  Direct Instruction can be used in any subject but is frequently used for reading.

Step 1: Anticipatory Set/Opening-Make sure to grab the student's attention and review key points of previous lesson.

Step 2: Introduction (I do)-Teacher demonstrates/models concepts as students listen and observe.

Step 3: Guided Practice (We do) Tell: Students work along with the teacher as teacher is telling students what to do.

Step 4: Guided Practice (We do) Ask:  Teacher questions students as they work under her guidance and supervision.

Step 5: Guided Practice (We do) Remind:  Teacher reminds students of the expectations before moving on to individual practice.

Step 6: Independent Practice (You do):  Students complete task independently.