Introduction: Touch Sensitive Super Nintendo

If you've ever used an Xbox 360 slim you've probably noticed that the power button is touch sensitive.  All you have to do is tap the power button with your finger and the Xbox 360 powers up.  This instructable will show you how to give your Super Nintendo a touch sensitive power button.  This is a fun mod to make your Super Nintendo a little bit more futuristic.

Caution: I am not responsible for any damages resulting from this mod. This includes hurting yourself, damaging your Super Nintendo, Arduino, or anything else!

Step 1: The Parts

The parts you will need for this mod are:
1. An arduino (I used an arduino uno)
2. A relay switch with a 5V coil voltage (ouaz -ss-105d)
3. 1M ohm resistor
4. 1K ohm resistor
5. An NPN transistor (2N222)
6. A diode (I used 1N4148)
7. A small PCB
8. Aluminum foil and a paper clip
9. Wire that will play nicely with your arduino
10. A plastic bag

Additionally you should have access to a 4.5mm Nintendo security bit for opening your Super Nintendo, a phillips screwdriver, and a rotary tool.

Many of these parts are substitutable. This is just what I happened to have in my parts box.

Step 2: Preparing the Case

Now it's time to get started! begin by removing the six screws from the bottom of the Super Nintendo. The picture below shows the location of these screws. Put the screws somewhere they won't get lost.

When the screws are out, flip over the console and take the top half off.  As shown in the second picture, there are little plastic pieces that must be cut off to make room for the arduino. They are not essential parts of the case and can be cut off without ruining the integrity of it.  Use a rotary tool to cut them off.  If you don't have one you can probably cut them off with wire cutters.

Now that the case is finished we have to get the power button ready.

Step 3: Making the Power Button

Look at the area below the power button.  You should see four tabs holding it in place.  Use a screwdriver to gently push these tabs in.  If you're not careful you can easily break the tabs.  The power button should pop right out.

Get your tinfoil and paperclip ready.  Take the paperclip and bend half of it out at a right angle.  Put one half of it in the hole on the underside of the power button and leave the other half sticking out.  Now cover the power button in aluminum foil making sure that enough of it covers the paper clip to hold it in place.

Once that's done put the power button back in the case. Make sure the tabs pop back in place.

Step 4: Programming the Arduino

At this point we want to program the arduino. 

You will need the CapSense library found here:

Connect your Arduino to the computer and upload this to it:


CapacitiveSensor   cs_4_5 = CapacitiveSensor(4,5);        // 1 megohm resistor between pins 4 & 5, pin 5 is sensor pin, add wire, foil
#define RELAY_PIN 3

void setup()                   
   pinMode(RELAY_PIN, OUTPUT);
   //cs_4_2.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF);     // turn off autocalibrate on channel 1 - just as an example


void loop()                   
    long start = millis();
    long total2 =  cs_4_5.capacitiveSensor(30);
    Serial.print(millis() - start);        // check on performance in milliseconds
    Serial.print("\t");                    // tab character for debug windown spacing

    Serial.print(total2);                  // print sensor output 2

  static int relayVal = 0;
  int cmd;

if(total2 > 1000)
        relayVal ^= 1; // xor current value with 1 (causes value to toggle)
        if (relayVal)
          Serial.println("Relay off");
          Serial.println("Relay on");
        Serial.println("Press the power button to toggle relay on/off");

    if (relayVal)
      digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);

    delay(1000);                             // arbitrary delay to limit data to serial port

Step 5: Creating the Relay Board

Remove the two screws holding the power switch in the Super Nintendo and unplug it from the motherboard.  Once it's out desolder the switch leaving two bare ends.

Take the required components listed earlier and assemble the circuit shown in the picture below.  Once this is completed make the connections to the Arduino (also shown in the picture).

Step 6: Powering the Arduino

We want to power the Arduino using the Super Nintendo so we don't have any extra cords.

Unscrew one of the screws by the cartridge slot a few turns.  Wrap a little bit of exposed wire around the screw and screw it back in.  The other end will go to one of the ground pins on the Arduino.

Next solder the wire labeled "Arduino +" on the schematic to the back of the power plug on the arduino.

This setup will leave the Arduino in a constantly on state whenever the Super Nintendo is plugged in.

Step 7: Connecting the Power Button to the Arduino

Solder a relatively long wire to the paper clip from step 3.  Solder a 1M ohm resistor to the other end of the wire leaving enough room on the resistor to plug it into the Arduino.  Put the end of the resistor with the wire soldered to it in pin 5 of the Arduino and the other end of the resistor in pin 4.

Step 8: Insulating the Arduino

Since the Arduino will be directly above a heat sink it should be insulated so it doesn't create a short.  Cut some plastic from a plastic bag and place it where the Arduino will go.  Put some plastic between the Arduino and the relay circuit board too.

Hot glue everything in place so it doesn't move around.  Plug the Super Nintendo power switch plug back in.

Step 9: Finishing Up

Put the top half of the Super Nintendo Case back on.  Be sure that the wire connecting the Arduino to the power switch doesn't obstruct the cartridge slot.  Flip the Super Nintendo over and put the six screws back in.  It's important to make sure you hot glued everything down well earlier so the parts don't rattle around when you flip the Super Nintendo over.  Now plug in your Super Nintendo and test it out!

When you plug in the Super Nintendo at first it will be on.  Touch your finger to the power sensor for about half a second and it will turn off.  Put a game in and try it out!  The clicking noise it makes when it powers on and off is the relay switch.

Have fun with your futuristic Super Nintendo!

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Epilog Challenge V

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