Introduction: ABOK 551 - Trick Double Overhand Stopper Knot

Ask someone to duplicate the double overhand knot on the left and they will show you the knot on the right.

There is a difference

The trick knot (left) looks the same on both sides. Their attempt looks fine on the obverse side. However on the reverse side there is a flaw at point "a"

Step 1:

Tie the first overhand knot around the tip of your finger

Step 2:

Bring the Working End (right) around to lie in the groove of the first overhand and complete the second overhand by going under two strands.

Step 3:

Slowly slide the knot off your finger while pulling on the Standing End with left thumb and middle finger and the Working End with right hand. It helps to keep all the strands in place if you squeeze the center of the knot as you tighten

Step 4: Drawstring Toggle

I discovered that this knot is not just a novelty. It makes an attractive knot to tighten drawstrings. No need to tie a bow.

As you slip the knot off your finger put your two drawstrings through the center of the knot and tighten around them. Trim the ends after tightening

Step 5:

Once you have mastered the double knot try the triple.

One more time around.

Stay in the groove as before.

More tedious but worth the effort.

Step 6: