Introduction: Turn a Nerf Gun Into an Airsoft Gun (works With Mini or Regular Nerf Guns)

About: I have always loved woodworking and inventing. I will try to post an instructable about everything that I think is good. Visit my website to see instruction videos about home improvements with general contract…

I have always wanted to have an airsoft gun but never wanted to spend money on one. I decided to take one of my many nerf guns and turn it into an airsoft gun. It is very easy and inexpensive.

Step 1: Materials

Nerf gun
Nerf dart

Step 2: Step 1

Take apart the pen and dart. Keep the foam part of the dart and the plastic tube from the pen.

Step 3: Step 2

Cut the pen to about the length of the dart. It doesn't matter if it is exact, you just don't want it to be too long or there will be too much friction and the gun will not shoot well.

Step 4: Step 4

Insert the dart completely into the dart gun. Then insert the pen into the hole in the middle of the dart. Make sure the pen is in as far as it can go, to make sure that no air can escape. In some cases the pen will still be showing and in others it will not, it depends on what kind of gun you have.

Step 5: Step 5

Remove the dart and wrap it in electric tape until it fits tightly into the dart gun. This will help to prevent air from leaking out.

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