Introduction: Turning Large Bowls on the Table Saw.

About: I am a teacher who enjoys environmentally responsible woodworking. Most evenings will find me in the shop working with my now 8 year old son Shay who is both my greatest helper and biggest fan.

My wife wanted a center piece but I don't have a large lathe.  After testing the idea I dove right in and coved it out!  lol, "coved it out?  Get it?  Ahhh, wood nerds.  There will be a full 30+ min how to video soon but I really liked the way the short video and the bowl turned out and wanted to share.

Woodworking Contest

Second Prize in the
Woodworking Contest

Spring's Coming Contest

Participated in the
Spring's Coming Contest

Full Spectrum Laser Contest

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest

Makerlympics Contest

Participated in the
Makerlympics Contest