Introduction: US/UK Money Clip ...

About: Educator - Home Hobby Robot, Educational Toys, 3D model Designer, Songwriter, Ikarus AeroFly RC7, Commercial/Instrument Pilot

An international type money clip ... using the US $ and the English ₤

Using SolidWorks I created the basic curvey rectangle ... extruded from the TOP plane ... 

then I added the US $ artwork and cut it from the FRONT plane up through half the part ... 

then I added the UK ₤ artwork and cut it from the FRONT plane down through the other half of the part ...

Finally adding the nice smoothing fillets around the edges ... 

Quick 'n Simple ... 

maybe I should do one with the Euro symbol too?  

Find more interesting objects on my website;

also find the RoboToons Robot Cartoons and FREE Printable Kits etc... 

I would print one for demo, but my printer is too busy on the D.A.I.R. project ...

Money Clip Challenge

Participated in the
Money Clip Challenge