Introduction: Use for Old Wine Rack to Be a Tool Rack

I had an old wine rack gathering dust so i decided to use it as a Tool Rack instead.

Parts Needed:
Top Hat channel used for attaching sheeting to sheds. About $12 AUD for a 2 meter length.
Some old Guttering clips about $0.50 AUD * 8
Screws to suit.

1.Cut legs off Wine rack
2. Attach Top Hat channel to shed wall in appropriate locations to attach wine rack too.
3. Measure and drill holes in the Top Hat for the wine rack legs to fit in. Distance between legs will vary according to the wine rack you are using.
4. Cut the ends off the guttering clips leaving enough room for a screw to be attached to the flat piece (See Pic) about 6 to 8 will be required.
5. Push legs into holes and level
6. Screw the guttering clips in so the round bit holes the frame of the wine rack in place.
7. Insert tools
NOTE: please use your common sense as each wine rack differs, and you need to attach to suit your needs.

Step 1: 1.Cut Legs Off Wine Rack

1.Cut legs off Wine rack

Step 2: Attach Top Hat Channel to Shed Wall in Appropriate Locations to Attach Wine Rack Too.

Attach Top Hat channel to shed wall in appropriate locations to attach wine rack too.

Step 3: Drill Holes for Legs

Measure and drill holes in the Top Hat for the wine rack legs to fit in. Distance between legs will vary according to the wine rack you are using.

Step 4: Make Clips

Cut the ends off the guttering clips leaving enough room for a screw to be attached to the flat piece (See Pic) about 6 to 8 will be required.

Step 5: Push Legs Into Holes and Level

Push legs into holes and level

Step 6: Attach Clips

Screw the guttering clips in so the round bit holes the frame of the wine rack in place.

Step 7: Insert Tools

Your Done!