Introduction: VR Sensory

How to create VR Sensory

Step 1: Planning on Creating a Smelling Gear As Simple and Big As This Blue Plastic.

Step 2: Prototype 1: the Length of the Smell Cartridge Doesn’t Fit the First Prototype

Step 3: First Step: Search for a Smell Cartridge to Buy. Next, Search Up the Dimensions of the Cartridge to Create a Better Prototype.

Step 4: The Cartridge Fits Perfectly With the 2nd Prototype.

Step 5: For This Smelling Gear to Work, There Needs to Be a Small Fan to Spread the Smell.

Step 6: Search for a Small Fan and Find Out the Dimensions to Create Another Prototype.

Step 7: The Fan’s Dimensions Are 40mm X 40mm X 10mm

Step 8: Need for a Connector

For a easy use, a connector between the two plastics would be very convenient. Also, there will be times when the cartridge has to be replaced, which the open and close method will come in handy. Therefore, creating something similar to the blue plastic above would be a great idea.

Step 9: Created the Connector Using “Rhinoceros.”

Step 10: Solenoid Valve

Solenoid valve will be used to create an exact sense of smell. Solenoid valve either allows scent inside the bottle to go out or completely stops the smell by blocking the entrance of the bottle. Using this method, creating the smell using different combinations (such as 5 openings per minute for valve 1, 2 openings per minute for valve 2, 3 openings per minute for valve 3, etc.) will give a better sense of “virtual reality.”

Step 11: Purpose

The purpose of this creation was to help people learn how to behave or act during fire. The idea is, the person with the VR on will begin at a small room. As the game starts, the computer on the desk will start burning. The person’s mission will be to escape the room and enter the emergency exit before the time runs out. Since going out the door and finding the emergency exit right next to the room is too boring and short, an easy maze for people to solve was the idea decided to be used for the game.

Step 12: Usage of Bluetooth

Bluetooth transmits binary numbers to the output, solenoid valve, allowing communication to happen. In other words, using a bluetooth module, remote control of the solenoid valve is available using Unity.

Step 13: Add Control Actuator

Step 14: Stick the Samsung VR Onto the VR Sensory Device

Step 15: Game Test With VR Sensory

Step 16: Coding

Code for:

The user going forward and reaching the final destination.

Step 17: To Be Continued...