Introduction: Vegetarian Chili

About: I like to tinker with just about anything, sometimes it works out in the end. Have fun looking at the projects, try tearing something open and let me know how it goes. cheers, -Joe

Its cold out, time to make some quick vegetarian chili.

Step 1: Ingredients


1 onion
1 green pepper
1 pakage tofu
2 carrots
1 8 oz package baby bellas'
2 14 oz cans of diced tomatoes
1 can red beans
1 can black beans
1 chili seasoning


Step 2: Dice

Dice the onion

Step 3: Dice

Dice the carrots

Step 4: Keep Dicing

Dice the green pepper

Step 5: Mix

Add all of this with a little oil in a large pot. season with salt and pepper
Stir for a few minutes, while this is happening go on to step 6.

Step 6: Chop

Chop up mushrooms, add to the pot.

Step 7: Dice Tofu

Dice extra firm tofu in 1 cm cubes. Add to pot
Let cook for a few minutes.

Step 8: Add Cans

Add cans of tomatoes, beans and the add your chili seasoning. I like Bearitos brand.
Let simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 9: Serve

Serve with a warm tortilla and top with a little cheese.