Introduction: Very Powerful K'nex Handgun

About: K'nex gun builder. Part of the mid guard. Wasn't around with the old guard nor do I relate with the new guard. I now only operate myOmy here on instructables, this account is inactive

Hi everyone thank you for viewing my instructable. This is my very first instructable so it may not be as good as a normal instructable by somebody else.
~EDIT~ This gun reached 4.36 within the first week.
Here is what you will be building:

Step 1: The Outside of the Gun

This is the outside of the gun which is what you are building in a few seconds. Go get working!
DO NOT CONNECT these two pieces.

Step 2: The Inner K'nex Parts.

Build all these minture "trinkets" that make the gun work!
The last two pictures are the same thing!

Step 3: Assembly!