Introduction: Warhammer Base

About: Minecraft,Lego,painting it's all here on this account follow for more

Step 1: You Will Need

You will need:
Mourfang brown
Blood for the blood god
Warhammer face
PVA glue
Grass or sand

Step 2: Paint

First of all paint the base brown such as this

Step 3: The Head

Paint the head whatever colours you like and then stick it onto your base

Step 4: After

This is what it should look like after it may take some time to stick so don't disturb it !

Step 5: Silver

Put some silver on / leadbelcher and put in on in a pattern of blood if you like the silver will help to blood to show up

Step 6: Blood for the Blood God

Add the blood on top of the leadbelcher

Step 7: Grass or Sand

Ive chosen grass but you can choose sand if you prefer

Step 8: Finished

Now your done just put some grass on or sand and this model could be yours