Introduction: Weird Burger Throne (found Instructable)

I found this instructable at Burger King in Germany. It is just too weird to keep to myself: Burger King Germany has instructions on how to build a throne made of fries and ketchup. The step-by-step instructions are printed on the paper that is put on your tray when you order food. According to the instructions, the throne is meant for setting down the burger on it and worshipping it.

Step 1: You Will Need:

35 king fries
3 packets of ketchup

Step 2: Seat

Step 3: Seat 2

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Step 4: Arm Rest

Step 5: Back of Chair

Step 6: Putting It All Together...

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Step 7: Finished!

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Step 8: Why

Step 9: Additional Instructions

Step 10: Additional Instructions 2

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