Introduction: What to Do When One of the Guest Drinks Too Much

I’m sure most of us have been in a situation where one of the friends have passed out, or is totally drunk and making a fool of himself/herself. And you wonder whether to take the risk of ruining your party to take care of him/her.

It’s likely to happen, especially when the party is good. The longer the party goes on, more chances of someone getting wasted. So, the first advice would be to keep the party short and moving.

I didn’t know until recently that there’s a thing called alcohol poisoning and which can be life threatening.

My Story

In a recently held castle house party, I had one such incident with my friend Jane. I found her dancing on the top of the table and the other friends told me she’s really drunk. I walked over and asked her to come down, but she wouldn’t listen and kept hurling her head. I had to ask few friends to pick her up from the dance floor and they did but to which she constantly refused.

Eventually we had to use the force keep her off the table and away from the alcohol. She went all ballistic and cursing, but we knew it had to be taken care off. So, I went through purse and pick her cell phone to call her parents but the cell phone was running out of batteries, more trouble.

I didn’t want to leave the birthday party as it was a really close friend’s birthday but I had to, Jane was alone. And I had to do what I learned from the past experience and internet. I hope these tips will come in handy in time of desperation.

If they’ve drank way too much, they’re going to vomit. After they vomit:

Tip 1: Try to make them sit instead of lying.

Tip 2: If they begin to choke, ask for help immediately.

Tip 3: Keep in check, so they don’t injure themselves by falling or crippling.

Tip 4: Don’t assume that your friend has passed out or sleeping, when the eyes are closed. The individual may be suffering from alcohol poisoning.

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

  • Passed out or stupors – unconscious or semi-conscious, cannot be awakened
  • Blue lips and fingertips
  • Dehydrated
  • Rapid pulse
  • Vomiting while asleep and not waking up even when vomiting
  • Cold clammy hands/ feet.

If you spot any of these signs, call the emergency service immediately.