Introduction: Yerjoking Pistol V2

About: My name is Dylan. Call me Dylan or Yerjoking, I prefer Dylan, but whatever is comfortable. I despise fake accounts, and rickrolls when they're pointless eg. Posted on an 'ible or forum (unless that 'ible or …

This is my second instructable, along with my second gun,its nothing really new except the trigger which i came up with, and i am proud of it, the pistol has two barrels, which can be interchanged, i like barrel 1 the most, anyway, i hope you enjoy it :)

Step 1: The Handle

Okay, first things first, the handle, it is very simple, and i think it is comfortable

Step 2: The Trigger

this is the trigger :) its simple, but the red connector can come off it alot of stress is put on it, but i have two very strong elastic bands on the ram, and it doesn't come off that much, well barely at all, anyway, here it is

Step 3: The Ram Guide

This is the ram guide

Step 4: The Ram

This is the ram, for those who can't tell what it is, its a grey 1 slot connector on a black rod with an elastic band wrapped round and then taped, oh yeah a yellow rod has to be able to go though the hole in the grey 1 slot

Step 5: The Trigger Attatchment

this part is for the trigger to go, and its also attatched to the barrels and ram guide

Step 6: The Barrels

These are the two barrels, i will show barrel 1, then barrel 2

Step 7: Putting the Gun Together

okay here is the hard part...For me that is, anyway, i will try to give as much detail as my tiny mind can give you in the notes