Introduction: Autolog - Autonomous GPS-tracker (Intel Edison + Grove GPS)

used Hardwre:

- Intel Edison + Arduino breakout

- Grove GPS

- Grove Accelerometer

- Grove Temperaturesensor

Step 1: Get Started With Intel Edison

1. Unpack your Intel Edison + connect to it for the first time:

Plug in both usb cables and connect via serial console (e.g. putty / minicom/...) (user: root, no password)

2. copy newest Image onto edison flash drive

3. flash Edison with "reboot ota"

Now your Edison is up to date and you can start.

Step 2: Embedded Code

1. Install Intel XDK

2. connect to your edison (connect button bottom left)

3. Insert appended example-project-Code (main.js) (use Node.js) + insert all the text in your empty Node.js template

4. Build and transfer project to Edison.


Step 3: Install Additional Hardware

1. Plug the Seed Grove Studio base into the arduino breakout for edison.

2. Plug in Grove GPS-Module

3. Plug in Grove Accelerometer-Module

4. Plug in Grove temperature sensor

Start the code

and take a look into /home/root/gps_data/new/**

where a new file with gps, temperature and accelerometer data will be written as soon as gps is connected.

Step 4: Backend Code

download the appended zip with the backend code.

unzip it and call the html page. You will see a webpage displaying gps data.

In addition you have to setup right database to get updated data.