Introduction: Awesome Knex Gun Model

this knex gun does not fire any thing but it looks awesome

Step 1: Here Are All the Pieces You Will Need

this picture is kind of bad so ill tell you what it says

8 red rods
6 yellow rods
6 big bendy rods
10 green or black rods
12 grey rods
4 blue rods
12 greenish silver rods
2 blue connectors
18 white connectors aka snow flakes

Step 2: Basic Things You Need to Know How to Build

they are a little fuzzy

Step 3: More Parts

the first one is kind of fuzzy but you can read it

Step 4: The Barel

pay close attention to the pictures

Step 5: Asembly

this is how it all comes together

Step 6: Adding the Final Details

this is where you put all the final details

Step 7: Plagiarism

on this web site called "knex toy zone" i found my gun, and someone named rusty took all credit for it.
please check this website out and check if there are any of your designs stolen.