Introduction: Care for a Cat

having a cat as a pet can be fun if you treat him/her right.

Step 1: Step 1: Litterbox

put out a storebought litterbox, and pour in 2 in. of litter.  reward your cat if he/she uses the litterbox. 

Step 2: Food/water

give you cat the food that best suits him/her. give kittens (under 1 year) kitten food, and adult cats (over 1 year) cat food.
they can have any water. tuna is okay in small amounts but it must not contain brine. just oil or spring water.

Step 3: Toys

just get any cat toy it likes. catnip infused toys work well on adults and some kittens.

Step 4: Bed

they need a soft place to sleep. 

Step 5: Scratching Post and Litterbox Cleaning.

scratchposts are to keep your cats from shredding your couch. use a sifting shovel you clean out your litterbox.

Step 6: Important!!!!

take your cat to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will tell you everything i didnt tell you.

Pets Challenge

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Pets Challenge