Introduction: Cheap Homemade Aquarium Filter

Aquarium filters are expensive, especially the replacement filters. Using things I had laying around the house, I made some of my own for under $.25.

Step 1: Commercial Filters

Commercial filters are expensive (unless they came with your tank at a garage sale, like mine).

Step 2: A Filter's a Filter...

I realized how simplistic those commercial replacement filters are, and found a substitute: air filters.

Now, these commercial filters come with carbon or other media as a chemical filter, so I just bought my own.

Step 3: Create a Pocket...

Create a pocket for the chemical media. I simply hot-glued the edges.
Be sure to squish the glue between the filter parts.

Step 4: Fill With Chemical Filter Media

Now, prior to just making my own filters, I did use commercial filter replacements without the plastic frame that comes molded to them (I don't know why there was no plastic frame; I got them free). However, those puffed up with use.

I recommend putting a staple in the center of your new filter to keep it from puffing up like that.

Add chemical filter media.

Step 5: There You Have 'er.

Insert filter.

This has been my first instructable. Give me criticism.
