Introduction: Dynno97's MKB42 (W) Prototype Assault Rifle V1

About: Roses are red Violets are blue If you don't like Motorhead I will kill you. I basically like all rock.

Here is dynno97's MKB42. I give him 90% credit because i added a semi auto mech.

Step 1: Stock

Here is the stock. Build it.

Step 2: Handle

Here is the handle. Build it.

Step 3: Fake Mag

Here is the fake mag. Build it.

Step 4: Semi-Auto Mechanism

Here is the semi auto mechanism. Build it.

Step 5: Fake Barrel

Here is the fake barrel. Build it.

Step 6: Assembly

Here we assemble the gun.

Step 7: Final Notes

load the gun as you would a normal rbg. Play with is sensibly and don't kill anyone.