Introduction: Even More Knex Frag Grenades

some more grenades using two kinder egg capsules and loads of little green bits.
when thrown with force explodes everywhere great for throwing at people coming up the stairs!

Step 1: Get the Pieces

you'll need 2 kinder egg capsules (both from the same side with the rim on) about 35-40 green rods (or however many you can cram in) and an elastic band

Step 2: Make the Grenade

fill both ends with green rods then (this bits quite tricky until you get used to making them) put both ends togeather and put an elastic band around them.

the elastic band needs to be just the right tension otherwise the grenade will either fall apart or never fall apart so you might have to test a few different bands.

Step 3: Your Done

youve finished happy grenading

here are some guns i made the first one is a sniper rifle that didnt work verry well and the second is a really good sniper/shotgun i might post it but it depends on what pplz say wether they want me to post or not.


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