Introduction: Hen Saddle

About: Mostly harmless

My instructable for the egg contest!
what could be more related to eggs than chicken?

Make your hens happy and get delicious eggs as thanks.

chicken owners know about the issues of the roosters favourite lady - her back is bald.
here´s how to prevent that, protect the hen from sore, and helping the feathers grow back.

let me introduce the


Step 1: Materials

you'll need:

sewing machine

fabric (jeans work great)
elastic rubber band
a mid-sized button


Step 2: Pattern

this pattern works for big chicken like Brahma or orpington.
you'll have to try out with a piece of paper if it fits on your hens.

Step 3: Folding the Fabric

fold your fabric once
you'll end up with with 2 layers

fold your fabric twice so you can cut out 2 pattern at the same time
you'll end up wit.h four layers.

see the pictures

Step 4: Pin the Pattern to the Fabric

Now pin the pattern to the fabric
see the pictures for the position.

Step 5: Cut Out the Pattern

take your scissors an cut out the pattern.

you need 2 sheets of it.

Step 6: Pin the Sheets Together

pin the sheets (inside out ) together.

Step 7: Sew It Together

now the sewing part comes in.

sew ca. 0,2inches from the sides.

sew around but leave an opening so you can turn the inside ut later see the pictures where to start and to end.

Step 8: Turn Inside Out

turn the inside out trough the opening you left.

close the opening by sewing it .

Step 9: Add Elastic Band

add the elastic rubber band - depending on the band you're using stretch it a little before sewing it on. ( if it's very elastic stretch it more while you're sewing)

secure the band with a stitched cross - it has to be really sturdy!

Step 10: Add the Button

now sew the button in the middle of the saddle (see picture)  with needle an thread

you'll need the button for fitting adjustments on the hen.
- the rubber band is wrapped around it to shorten it

Step 11: Fashion Week

get your hen dressed :)
if shes got sore you may add some ointment first.

secure and adjust the elastic band by wrapping it around the button.
not too tight not too loose - the hen shoul be comfortable with it.

the first 20 minutes they try to get rid of the saddle but then they get used to it.

the rooster can still fulfill his duties and everyone is happy :)

Step 12: Pedicure for the Rooster

to prevent your hens from sore you can give the rooster a pedicure.

pick him at night from the roost - it's easyier than trying to catch him at daylight :)
you should have a headlamp - the rooster is stays calm this way because he can't see anything.

then take a file and hone the claws round - but only a little bit!!!
if you're not sure where the blood vessles end don't do it.

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