Introduction: How to Make a Whip

About: Im on youtube= Awesomeepiceli

this whip only takes about ten minutes to cracks but it probably wouldn't hurt.

Step 1: What You Need

you need
-duct tape
and something to cut with

Step 2: Weave It

make a loop and put it on your finger

Step 3:

wrap the end around your finger above the first loop.

Step 4:

pull it over.reapete.make it twice as long as your arm

Step 5:

now  cut three pieces of yarn.

Step 6:

tie them on to the end of the weave

Step 7:

braid them .put a piece of duct tape on the end.then cut of the extra

Step 8:

tape to a stick. its done.

Step 9:

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest