Introduction: Knex High Mod Jeep

About: i have gave up on knex i didnt have any reason to cary on which seems to be a reocouring theme im life at the moment anyways i got a facebook acount mainly because of lonleness and i heard they had videogames …

hi this is my old knex high mod jeep. its prety easy to to build.

Step 1: Parts

3 y connecters
10 green rods
15 white rods
9 blue rods
3 yellow rods
1 red rod
2 grey connecters
6 orange conecters
17 red conecters
10 yellow conecters
2 white conecters

Step 2: Chase

just build this.

Step 3: Starting the Body

just build and atatch this.

Step 4: The Main Body

just build it.

Step 5: Bonet

just build it.

Step 6: Finish the Body

just build and attach.

Step 7: Atatching Body to Chase

just folow the picture.