Introduction: Knex Rubberband Gun

this is just a knext gun that shoots rubberbands
1 gray rod
1 black ball joint
2 oragne double connectors
2 tan clips
2 blue rods
3 grey one sided clips
28 red three connectors
at least one rubberband (more is better becuase these will be your ammo)

Step 1: Construct

pic #
1 put all the red connectors on the grey rod for the body
2 build this it's pretty simple just make sure you put the tan clips with the little nob into the two grey clips
3 this is the firing pin

Step 2: Put All the Peices Together

pic one: this will be the front of the gun
pic two this will be the back of the gun

Step 3: Firing!!!!

put the rubberband over the black ball joint the over the two grey clip on the back push up on the orang peice untill it's over the othe grey clip and stick the firing pin on the grey clip like in the second pic. to fire pull out the firing pin and the rubberband should shoot pretty far depending on what rubberbands you use.