Introduction: Lego Keychain

This is a cheap Lego key chain that easy and looks great.

this is not fully my idea I got it from make magazine but i added a few extra features. make volume 12

Step 1: Tools

You will need

1. lego brick 4X2

2. drill with small bit glue gun

4.neodymium magnate

5.#214 screw eyes

Step 2: Drill a Hole in the Lego

take the brick and drill a hole in the center of the small side of the brick.

Step 3: Making the Basic Key Chain

now take the screw eye and screw it into the brick.

Step 4: The Last Step

know flip over the Lego and there should be 3 holes on the hole away from the hook. put the neodymium magnate in that hole. and take the hot glue gun and glue it in there.

Step 5: You Are Finished

know you are finished go put some keys on it

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