Introduction: Lego Sniper

About: i build scale model airplanes, cars and stuff, and play video games at home. im in highschool, i BMX with my friends.

have your lego peoples ever had to go really close just to shoot someone? well, fear no longer, because i have a new invention!the super sniper rifle, a powerful lego gun that looks really cool. ( dosn't actually shoot)  =(

Step 1: The Pieces

now to get the pieces. pretty easy. you should be able to get every piece you need from th lego clone walker battle expandy thingy set, the lego assasins droid battle expandy thingy set, and the new 20 $ lego hoth.

Step 2: The Long Steps.

pretty simple..

Step 3: The Scope

put the binoculars on.

Step 4:

the handle thing. its from a flicky rocket.

Step 5: Claw on a Handle

just put the claw. make sure its right way up.

Step 6: The Barrel

just a simple blue piece on the end.

Step 7: The Gun Mount

just to little " robot claws"

Step 8: Everything Comes Together!

put the three pieces you have made so far here.

Step 9: Everything Comes Together Part 2

just put on the handle

Step 10: Everything Comes Together Part 3

have you got this on?

Step 11: Final View

ther. do you have this? well you should. and if you dont, try, try again!

Step 12: The Last Step

so now your lego man will have the ability to blow someones head of from afar. you put the little hole on his head, then make him hold the handle. so, since this is my first instructable,please just make sure you keep the insults down. I just figured out how to get pix on here too!