Introduction: Magnetic Stirrer

About: Renewable energy sources, studio audio effects, tube amps

today , i'm gonna show you guys how to make a magnetic stirrer for your diy chemistry lab

before starting to assemble the parts , make sure you have the following items :

1/ 12 v fan(I got mine out of an old computer)
1/ container , about the size of your fan
1/ square neodynium magnet
1/ long neodynium magnet(you can get them out of a old hdd and they also sit near the laser in a cd-player)
1/ 9v -12v battery
1/ battery holder
1/ 1 inch (2.5 centimetre ) stainless steel bar - must be attracted by magnets
1/ liquid container (eg: flask , glass cup ect...)

Step 1:

glue the square magnet onto the edge of the center of the fan,
then glue the fan inside the container , make sure that it has room to spin and
that the container is able to close

Step 2:

next , take your bar-shaped magnet and stick the metal rod against it with glue (make sure it is centered)

Step 3: Finish

now put your flask onto the closed container and connect the wires from the fan to the battery
now your rod will start spinning and with a bit of luck it will create a twister

Step 4: Troubleshooting

if your rod doesn't turn in a circle , then you should adjust your rod , or replace it with 2 long magnets fixed on a steel circle