Introduction: Multi-bot Basis

About: Hey YOU! Yeah, I'm talking to you who is reading this. Send me ideas for instructables, like things that you are wondering how to make or build, or really anything electronically related, and I'll get back to …

In this Instructable we will show you how to build our multibot basis to build our other multibot based robots. It is very simle. It is great because you are not limited to our projects, but you can make your own. (Note the picture above is just an example of using the parts, not what will be accomplished in this project)

Submitted by Newton Labs for the Instructables Sponsorship Program

Step 1: Materials/Tools

screw driver
2.5 cm X 20 cm of aluminum

band saw

Step 2: Cut the Metal

Cut the metal to (2.5 cm X 20 cm ) with the band saw. So that you get a medium sized piece to drill holes into.

Step 3: Drill Mounting Holes

Drill holes 0.3625 inches apart so that you get the correct size for a servo to be mounted on. 

Step 4: Drill Holes Into the PlexiGlass

First mark with a pen or sharpie the location on the holes of the Arduino are to mount it. Then use the Drill press/drill to drill holes into the plexiglass where you indicated to mount the Arduino.

Step 5: Arduino to Plexiglass

Now you put screws in and screw it into the plexiglass.

Step 6: DONE!

Your basis is done and is now ready to be used for multiple projects that involve fun and games. It is very helpful , yet is very simple to craft. Thanks, Newton Labs team! (Credit to Starbot for use of their facilities)

Hack It! Contest

Participated in the
Hack It! Contest