Introduction: Nuka Cola Bottle Caps & Home Made Caps

you will need:

red paint

beer bottle caps

nuka cola cap labels from devan art

pva glue

paint brush

(optional) white paint

Step 1: The Base

get your red paint and paint the caps red

Step 2: Labels

get your lables and cut them out.

then stick them on.

(optional) paint over the label so it will have a paint look

Step 3: Homemade Nuka Cola Caps

start by sanding all laybles off the caps

Step 4: Realistic Looks

start this step by wacking the top of the caps with a hammer
then get your plyers and pull the edges out

Step 5: Painting the Caps

first paint the caps red twice then paint nuka cola white in a style you like or orignal for die hard fans then paint a black line around the side of the caps.

and there you have it custom nuka cola caps