Introduction: Shutdown Mod (good for Pranks)

this instructable will show you how to prank one of your friends on the computer. when they click on the "modded" icon the computer will shutdown

Step 1: Starting Off

for this step what you need to do i first right anywhere on the screen, then go to new and then shortcut...

Step 2: Typing in What U Want

after you click shortcut a window pops up in there type: shutdown -s -f -t 10 -c "a message would go here"...(make sure its in quotes) then click next

Step 3: Type Watever Icon You Want

in this step you would type in what icon you want such as Internet Explorer (you should put the first letters of the words in caps becaus it looks real) then press finish

Step 4: Browse New Icon Picture

after you named your new icon right click on it then go to properties

Step 5: Choosing the Icon

once your in the properties screen click change icon

Step 6: Choosing the Icon

once you have opened the screen with all the different icon choose the icon after the file you named your new shortcut

Step 7: Last Step Almost There

ok once you found your new icon click on it the press apply and ok. and the next time someone clicks on that icon the computer will shut down with the message you wrote