Introduction: Solar Charger Indipendent

About: le Libre choix de savoir et de le dire aux outres

solution of the no electric current next to you...

Step 1: Convert !!

a old ac battery charger at end life......

Step 2:

I cut all part to cam on AC current (220volt),plastic parts.....

i conserve the electronics circuit.......

Step 3: Connect and Build a Solar Panel....

i build a mini solar panel(one + one.....2.5 volt....) and i connect all wires at the place of the old transformator

AC220 VOLT/CC 12 VOLT CC....

the type of panel is not important because the electronic circuit take gestion of electric current "in"....

Step 4: Using Battery Rechargeable.....

the source of current is a solar panel........(that take the place of old transformer ac/dc)....

the old electronic circuit controller the input current .......

you use all battery(rechargeable) in side.......

the utilisation is for all moment you don't have electricity closed to you(camping,garden.....) for recharging

your batteries.......