Introduction: Walmart Bicycle Converted to a Chopper Minibike

About: Just a normal guy trying to make it in life .Good paying job but mindless sometimes .I enjoy making things in my garage to keep my mind going .. Its fun making something new but its more fun taking something…
Well it started with my buddy asking me to fix his old rupp mini bike.It was to far gone to fix so i got this idea to put it in a bicycle. I had such a good time doing it i made another one for myself. The first one is a 3 1/2 briggs motor and goes 41 miles a hour . The second one i had to build from scratch has a 5 horse briggs and goes 54 miles an hour. I just cant belive the reliability . we goof around at night in the summer and tool around the back roads. please send me comments and tell me what you think .