Introduction: Wireless Pan and Tilt Camera Rig With Arduino

this is a small arduino project with the NRF24L01 wireless Transceivers modules ans 2 servo motors.

the rig is controlled by a wireless joystick and it can hold a camera, laser or anything you can think about.

Step 1: Requirements

required tools:

3d printer

small screw driver

links to the electronic parts:

2 servo motors

2 NRF24L01 Transceivers

1 joystick module

2 arduino nano clones

2 6v battery packs

some wires

download and print 3d objects from here:

Step 2: Making the Models and Building the Motors Base

in the video you can see the timelapse capture of the printing. all the printing process took almost 2 hours.

connecting the remote controller:

the remote controller include 1 joystick, 1 arduino, 1 NRF24L01 transceiver and a battery.

connection diagram:

arduino A0 : joystick VRy

arduino A1 : joystick VRx

arduino 5v : joystick 5v

arduino gnd : joystick gnd

arduino d13 : NRF24L01 sck

arduino d12 : NRF24L01 miso

arduino d11 : NRF24L01 mosi

arduino d10 : NRF24L01 csn

arduino d09 : NRF24L01 ce

arduino +3.3 : NRF24L01 vcc

arduino gnd : NRF24L01 gnd

upload the script to the microcontroller and follow the next step to build the reciever.

Step 3: Build the Reciever

connecting the reciever:
the reciever include 2 servo motors, 1 arduino, 1 NRF24L01 transceiver and a battery.

connection diagram:

arduino d3 : X servo motor

arduino d5 : Y servo motor

arduino d13 : NRF24L01 sck

arduino d12 : NRF24L01 miso

arduino d11 : NRF24L01 mosi

arduino d10 : NRF24L01 csn

arduino d09 : NRF24L01 ce

arduino +3.3 : NRF24L01 vcc

arduino gnd : NRF24L01 gnd

upload the script to the microcontroller. connect the batteries and you ready to run

here is the ready to run video

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