

Inbox View Profile
LocationFort Collins, COJoined
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I enjoy dabbling in all kinds of arts and crafts from painting to jewelry to lotion-making and more.


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Metal Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Metal Contest
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner Judges Prize in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Fabric Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fabric Challenge
Leather Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Leather Challenge
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Cardboard Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cardboard Speed Challenge
Stick It Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Stick It Challenge
Wearables Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wearables Challenge
Art Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Art Challenge
Jewelry Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Jewelry Challenge

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