

Inbox View Profile
LocationTampa, FLJoined
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At the Eureka! Factory, we love making things, and thinking about things, and learning about things, and enjoy helping empower others to a curiosity driven life, too, so we can all live and learn in meaningful, personally fulfilling and socially productive ways together. Join our Eureka! Factory group at If you're in Tampa or elsewhere in Florida, let us know! We'd love to connect.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Makerspace Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Makerspace Contest
Heirloom Recipes Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Heirloom Recipes Contest
Safety Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Safety Challenge
Feet Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Feet Challenge
Travel Tips Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Travel Tips Contest

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