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LocationBiberach (Germany)Joined
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I like to divert stuff from its intended use. Most of my crafting is based on re-use and recycling due to my urge to use resources consciously (and my small wallet). As I like to consume ideas rather than products I like to see other peoples instructables. I studied cultural sciences and aesthetic communications. At the moment I work at an elementary school in the after-school child care program and I work at the local museum at the educational service.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Deceptive Desserts Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Deceptive Desserts Contest
Snacks Contest 2016
Contest Winner First Prize in the Snacks Contest 2016
Oil and Vinegar Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Oil and Vinegar Challenge
Halloween Food Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Halloween Food Contest
Frozen Treats Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Frozen Treats Contest
Green Design Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Green Design Contest
BBQ Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the BBQ Contest
Jewelry Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Jewelry Contest
Mexican Food Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Mexican Food Contest
Healthy Eating Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Healthy Eating Contest
Baking Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Baking Contest
Halloween Food Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Halloween Food Contest
Copycat Recipes Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Copycat Recipes Contest

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